I'm a trail runner and JavaScript developer located in Bend, Oregon. I work with Vue, Node, and WordPress. Find out more About Me.

Currently seeking work

I'm currently seeking work as a JavaScript developer. Please check my Résumé and Contact Me if you’re interested in working together.

What is this site? It's my Digital Garden. In short, it's an evolving and expanding - but curated - set of notes I try to keep about everything I do. Find out How this site is built.

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Here are some recent news articles I found interesting:

source read on
Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Formula for Happiness July 25, 2024
The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator July 15, 2024
How Liberal College Campuses Benefit Conservative Students July 08, 2024
Are Christian values American values? July 04, 2024
Revival and Revolution July 02, 2024
There were probably more constitutional constraints operating on George III in 1776 than now operate on the US president July 02, 2024

Running Follow me on Strava



The 📘 indicates Topic Notes



View all my Notes - less refined articles and thoughts I've been working on lately.