2023-03-26 When God Cries
John 11 v 18-28, 32-45 - Resurrection of Lazarus
- This is the 7th and greatest sign in John's gospel.
- Mary & Martha have very different ways of grieving according to their personalities. Jesus works with each of them.
- v21 and v32 - each say to Jesus, if you had been here, Lazarus would not have died.
- Where's God when things go wrong?
- v33-35 - Jesus is deeply moved and troubled - he is there.
- v35 - Why is Jesus weeping? He knows how this will turn out.
- Jesus' human nature
- But also, God is emotional
- If we want to know what God is like, look at Jesus
- If we want to love as God loves, grieve as God grieves
- 1 Thessalonians 4 v13-14 - Grieve as those with hope (not "don't grieve"). Know that death doesn't get the last word.
- Jesus is our hope. John 11 v25-26